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What Is A Rick Of Wood

TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

Rick Of Wood

It is not easy to buy firewood from your local store if you do not know much about the terms used there. Some of these terms include full cords, half cords, face cord, and a rick. This article will help you find out everything you need to know about a rick of wood.

Rick is a unit of measurement used in different objects related to the farm, such as hay, corn, and wood. It simply refers to a pile or a stack of the object it is measuring. When it comes to wood, a rick is a stack of wood that measures 4ft tall and 8ft long. However, the width of the stack varies depending on elements like region and supplier.

Rick Of Wood

Here are the three different widths for a rick:

Twelve Inches
Sixteen inches
Twenty four inches
Face cord and rick of wood

There is no difference between the two. Therefore, you can use either of the two names.

A rick of wood and full cord

Many people normally mistake a rick with a cord of wood. You should note that a rick of wood is just a portion of a full cord. As mentioned earlier, a rick is also known as a face cord (a portion of a full cord). A full cord of wood is a stack of wood with a height of 4ft, a width of 4 ft., and a length of 8 ft.

How many ricks of wood can we find in a full cord of wood?

We had mentioned different widths of a rick of wood; 12 inches, 18, and 24. A rick with a width of 12 inches is only a quarter of a full cord of wood. A with a width of 16 inches is a third of a full cord of wood. Finally, a rick with a width of 24 inches equals half of a full cord of wood.

Rick Of Wood

Elements that influence the size of a face cord (a rick of wood)

Various elements influence the size of a rick. Therefore, it is important to research before deciding where to buy the wood to enjoy the best. These elements include:

The width
The type of wood
The region
Note that these elements will affect not only the size of the wood but also the price.

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The overall weight of a face cord

The average weight of a high-quality rick should be about 1000 Lbs. White oak is an example of wood that will weigh this way. On the other hand, the average weight of a poor quality rick is about 700 to 800 Lbs.

How many pieces of food are there is a rick of wood?

This depends on the region. However, a full cord of wood in most regions is between 550 to 650 pieces of wood. Since these pieces are found in a full cord, a face cord or a rick may contain 200 to 325 pieces.

The cost of a rick of wood

The cost of a rick will also differ depending on these factors:

The region
The type of wood
The vendor
The quality of wood
The average cost of a high-quality rick is about 150 to 250 dollars. On the other hand, the average cost of poor quality rick is about 80 to 120 dollars. You should note that the delivery cost is not included in this price. This is because you will be charged depending on the distance between the vendor and where you are taking your wood. Some vendors can ask you to per one dollar per mile. Note some vendors offer free delivery, and you can take advantage of this. You can also choose to transport the wood by yourself if you have the means to do so.

How many ricks should I buy?

This will totally depend on your personal needs. However, it is important to know that a single rick of high-quality wood can take you for four months.

How should I store my wood?

If the wood you bought is not split, you should start by splitting it to carry it easily and for easy burning. If the wood is wet or green, you should store it in open airspace. This will make drying easy. Ensure that the place you store your wood is off the ground.

This way, it will not be destroyed by ants. Avoid packing the wood too tightly together because moisture can grow. Another thing you need to ensure is that you will easily access the place you choose to store your wood.

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